Ph.D. Student
Georgia Institute of Technology
Email: [email protected]

Hi! I'm 王斯楠 (Sinan Wang)

I am a first year CS Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech, supervised by Prof. Bo Zhu. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Hong Kong, where I worked with Prof. Taku Komura. My research interests lie in Computer Graphics, Physical Simulation, Fluid Simulation and Cloth Simulation.

This is my boy (Tuantuan), photoed when he was 4 months :)

This is ‘团团’ (TuanTuan), photographed when he was 3 months old:)


An Eulerian Vortex Method on Flow Maps

Sinan Wang, Yitong Deng, Molin Deng, Hong-Xing Yu, Junwei Zhou, Duowen Chen, Taku Komura, Jiajun Wu, and Bo Zhu

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2024)

webpage, paper, [code], video

SENC: Handling Self-collision in Neural Cloth Simulation

Zhouyingcheng Liao*, Sinan Wang*, Taku Komura (*: co-first author)

ECCV 2024

webpage, paper, [code], [video]

Eulerian-Lagrangian Fluid Simulation on Particle Flow Maps

Junwei Zhou, Duowen Chen, Molin Deng, Yitong Deng, Yuchen Sun, Sinan Wang, Shiying Xiong, and Bo Zhu

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2024)

webpage, paper, code, video